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1A You can understand and speak Korean in a limited way.:
You will know the fundamentals of Korean pronunciation and
make very simple sentences.
1B You can understand and speak Korean in a limited way.:
You will know the fundamentals of Korean pronunciation and
make very simple sentences.
2A You can understand Korean used in everyday situations by understanding
basic Korean structure. :
You will be able to make simple sentences and reply to simple questions.
We do offer 2B as well
3A You can communicate in a range of everyday social contexts.:
You will be able to express more advanced sentences.
We do offer 3B as well
4A Students can understand and express Korean culture and social situations.
You will able to describe and express your opinion in various situations.
5A You can understand and express Korean culture and social situations in a range of
culturally appropriate ways. :
You will be able to communicate in formal situation such as job interviews.
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