2024-2025 학생모집 합니다
가을 학기
수업 시작 08-10-2024
<1A, 1B>
* You can understand and speak Korean in a limited way.
* You will know the fundamentals of Korean pronunciation and make very simple sentences.
<2A, 2B, 3A, 3B>
* You can understand Korean used in everyday situations by understanding basic Korean structure.
* You can communicate in a range of everyday social contexts.
<4A, 4B, 5A, 5B>
* Students can understand and express Korean culture and social situations.
* You can understand and express Korean culture and social situations in a range of culturally appropriate ways.
< 2024-2025 학년도 "생활한국어" 성인반 학생 모집 >
• 대상: 대학생, 청장년, 직장인 등. (비신자도 등록 가능)
• 교육기간: 8월 10일 - 12월 14 일 (1학기 2024),
1월 11 - 5월 10일 (2학기 2025)
• 수강료 : $190 (학기), '서강한국어' 교재비 별도
• 문의: 김형자 Mariane
(678-793-3003, koreanschoolga@gmail.com)